Terms and Conditions

This document outlines the terms and conditions of Life Skills & Adventures services. The Terms and Conditions of Service summarise Life Skills & Adventures’ key Policies and Procedures. You may request full copies of these documents at any time.


1.   Service Agreement and Prices

All participants receiving services from Life Skills & Adventures must have a current Service Agreement in place. The service agreement outlines the amount of services the participant will attend with Life Skills & Adventures over an agreed period. The agreement also outlines how services are being paid for i.e. if the participant is receiving funding or paying out of pocket.

Prices of Camps and Programs are based on the NDIS Price guide. All current prices are listed on the  Life Skills & Adventures website and the Costing Sheet. Prices are subject to change in line with NDIS price increases; Life Skills & Adventures will communicate any price increases.

Prices for camps and programs are all inclusive. Accommodation, activities, transport, catering and support costs are all factored into the total fees.


2.   Responsibilities of Life Skills & Adventures

Life Skills & Adventures agrees to:

  • communicate openly and honestly in a timely manner;
  • treat the Participant with courtesy and respect;
  • consult the Participant on decisions about how supports are provided;
  • give the Participant information about managing any complaints or disagreements and details of the cancellation policy
  • listen to the Participant’s feedback and resolve problems quickly;
  • give the Participant a minimum of 24 hours’ notice if Life Skills & Adventures must change a scheduled

program or service;

  • protect the Participant’s privacy and confidential information;
  • provide supports in a manner consistent with all relevant laws, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 and rules, and the Australian Consumer Law; keep accurate records on the supports provided to the Participant, and
  • issue regular invoices and statements of the supports delivered to the


3.   Responsibilities of Participant/Participants Representative

The Participant/ Participants Represented agrees to:

  • inform Life Skills & Adventures about how they wish the supports to be delivered to meet the Participant’s needs;
  • treat Life Skills & Adventures staff, other participants and volunteers with courtesy and respect;
  • provide copies of any support plans that are in place for the participant (e.g. behaviour support plan or medical management plans)
  • talk to Life Skills & Adventures if the Participant has any concerns about the supports being provided;
  • adhere to Life Skills & Adventures cancellation notice policy;
  • give Life Skills & Adventures the required notice if the Participant needs to end the Service Agreement

(see ‘Ending this Service Agreement’ below for more information),

  • let Life Skills & Adventures know immediately if the Participant’s NDIS plan is suspended or replaced by a new NDIS plan or the Participant stops being a participant in the NDIS; and
  • ensure the participants profile is completed and kept up to date on the Life Skills & Adventures web


4.   Participant Code of Conduct

Life Skills & Adventures Values

The Life Skills & Adventures values underpin the Code of Conduct, and help guide our conduct, actions and decisions when on camps/programs. Non-adherence to any of the expectations outlined in the Code of Conduct would usually also mean that the conduct was not in accordance with our values.

  • Respect: We treat people as we ourselves expect to be treated, offering acceptance, care and support to everyone;
  • Trust: We are a reliable team, committed to providing safe, quality services;
  • Inspire: We believe every person has the ability to reach their full potential, we will provide them with encouragement and support;
  • Celebrate: We acknowledge and rejoice the efforts and achievement of the children and young people we work with, volunteers, supporters and staff;
  • Collaborate: We believe that community engagement is vital to create meaningful and accessible opportunities for all


Interacting with Others

Participants are required to:

  • Treat others with courtesy and respect during all interactions at camp/programs;
  • Contribute to a camp/program environment in which different opinions, perspectives and cultures are valued and encouraged;
  • Consider how our conduct might impact on other participants, volunteers, staff and the general public;
  • Behave in a safe manner, not putting yourself or others at risk.

Participants will not:

Discriminate against, harass, bully or victimise staff, volunteers, participants or anyone else we deal with in the course of our engagement with Life Skills & Adventures.


Negative Behaviour

Negative behaviour will not be tolerated on Life Skills & Adventures Camps and Programs. This includes:

  • Physical violence in any form;
  • Threatening behaviour (verbal and physical);
  • Swearing;
  • Conversations that are inappropriate in the camp/program context;
  • Entering or leaving areas without the consent of a leader;
  • Running away;
  • Abusing personal space or boundaries;
  • The use of electronic devices (phones, ipads etc) unless allowed by a leader;
  • Bullying;
  • Bringing contraband to camp/programs including alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, weapons or anything of a similar nature;
  • Behaviour of a sexual


Life Skills & Adventures empowers our participants to recognise their behaviour and take steps to manage it.

  • Ask for time out when you begin to feel agitated;
  • Talk to your leader or the facilitator;
  • Seek support from fellow participants;
  • Engage in camp


Breaches of the Code of Conduct

  • It is at the discretion of the Facilitator to manage negative behaviour on a case by case basis, in line with Life Skills & Adventures policy and procedures;
  • In some cases a facilitator may contact the participants parent/guardian for advice on how to manage a behaviour;
  • In serious cases where a participant is affecting the welfare of anyone in the camp/program environment, the parent/guardian will be contacted to collect the participant from the camp/program immediately;
  • If a participant is sent home from a camp a refund will not be given;
  • Attendance in future camps/programs will be evaluated by the camp/program Coordinator;
  • In repeated severe cases, the participant will no longer be able to attend Life Skills & Adventures camps/programs;
  • If the participant is posing significant danger to themselves or others on a camp/program the facilitator will contact emergency


5.   Feedback, complaints and disputes

If the Participant wishes to give Life Skills & Adventures feedback, the Participant can talk to the Camp Coordinator or Company Director via email: fun@LSAdventures.com.au or Phone: 0497 392 190.

If the Participant is not satisfied or does not want to talk to these persons, the Participant can contact the National Disability Insurance Agency by calling 1800 800 110, visiting one of their offices in person, or visiting ndis.gov.au for further information.